Some of the most impressive advancements in performance come from our military. Earl Woods taught Tiger very early on the importance of standard operating procedure, and Bob Bowman took his swimmers to train with the military to build resilience.
I went to Camp Mackall in North Carolina to learn from the special forces about the systems they use to assess and select elite performers in the military. I learn about the characteristics of great soldiers, which happen to be many of the same things that make great athletes.
More specifically, I spoke with CSM Lee Strong and SM 'Chuy' Almonte.
CSM Lee Strong is a professional soldier with 27 years in the U.S. Army, 24 of which have been spent in a special operations community as a Special Forces soldier more commonly referred to as the “Green Berets”. He has conducted routine and contingency deployments in 11 countries across 4 continents, and served at every level of command within a Special Forces Operational Group.
SGM Chuy Almonte is also professional Soldier with 28 years experience in the US Army, 24 of which have been in special operations, both as a Support Soldier and a Commando. He has deployed in all corners of the globe - supporting of Joint Combined Exchange Training missions to Asia, combat operations to Afghanistan, Counter Narco-Terrorism missions in South America and Central Asia, and numerous missions throughout the African and European continents.